Water heaters typically have a planned life of approximately five years. Many last longer than that, but that is their recommended design life. Many condominiums require water heater replacements every five years since a burst water heater does not only affect your home but that of your neighbors as well. If your water heater is in your lower level garage space, the consequences may not be as severe and widespread, but it is still a good idea to check and if needed, replace your water heater on a regular 5 year interim period. If your water heater is within the design life period, yet it doesn’t seem to be performing as you expect it, you may need a water heater repair. Your plumber can check both the plumbing and electrical connections to confirm proper power supply connections, water heater elements, valves and operation. One or the other may need attention. A diagnosis of the problem and recommendations will be provided and discussed considering the projected remaining life of water heater.
If your water heater does fail or you are suspicious of it because a sufficient time period has passed since it was first installed, you may want to consider a Tankless Water Heater in San Tan Valley AZ. A tankless water heater takes up less space and heats up only the water that you need instead of maintaining a 30-80 gallon reservoir of hot water. Discuss the advantages of replacing your standard water heater with a tankless water heater with your plumber. The cost differential may be insignificant and the extra space saved may come in handy.
Defective water heaters have been known to explode, rocketing through walls and roofs, so if you have any questions about the condition of your water heater, call you plumber to check it out today. Only a plumber has the required skills, plumbing and electrical, to safely and accurately diagnose and repair or replace your water heater. If you have any questions on the Tankless Water Heater in San Tan Valley AZ call us today.