Are you having problems with your garbage disposal? If you hear a humming sound, a grinding sound or it does not make any sound at all, you may need Garbage Disposal Service in Scottsdale, AZ by one of our professional plumbing and home repair technicians. We provide garbage disposal repair and garbage disposal replacement services for consumers. Garbage disposal systems usually work great for a few years and then they begin to experience problems. Sometimes they make a humming sound and will not grind anything. Your sink may even get plugged and not drain any water at all in this situation.
Consumers know that they are only supposed to drop food scraps into their garbage disposal systems. Occasionally something hard such as a bone or a utensil will find its way into the system. You hear a grinding noise or it just stops working altogether. This is usually when you need to call a professional plumber. There are a few steps to take first to make sure that it is not some other problem. If for example there is no sound at all when you turn it on, it is possible that the power is no longer getting to the machine. Check to make sure that the outlet it is plugged into is still providing power. Plug another electric kitchen utensil into the same outlet to determine if power is at least getting to the unit.
Our expert Garbage Disposal Service in Scottsdale, AZ can check your unit, remove any material that might be plugging the unit and assess if you need to replace the garbage disposal system or whether it can be repaired. One of our technicians can remove the old unit and install a new one for you. Give us a call today to make arrangements to have your garbage disposal system assessed and replaced if needed.