One of the most common problems that home owners have is clogged drains in the bathroom, particularly the shower or bathtub. If you or your spouse has long hair, chances are at sometime, the drain is going to get clogged by hair and soap. This is when you really need to call in a professional plumbing and home repair company to repair Clogged Drains in Phoenix, AZ. We all lose hair every day, especially when we are in the shower. If you have long hair it is washed down the drain and catches in the drain about two or three inches below the top of the drain. Sometimes it sits in the water trap, combining with soap particles to form a solid mass. Over time water drains through more slowly and eventually it will not drain at all. It certainly is not very exciting to stand in water that is slowly draining from the tub or the bottom of the shower.
Call a professional plumbing and home repair company to deal with these Clogged Drains in Phoenix, AZ. They have the right tools to unclog your drain without damaging any of the pipes under your shower or tub. If you end up with a water leak, it can be much more expensive to make repairs caused by the water leaking into the ceiling below your bathroom.
While he is there, why not have all of your drains checked and cleaned at the same time. It will provide peace of mind and ensure that none of your drains will become clogged in the near future. A professional plumbing and home repair company can fix your Clogged Drains in Phoenix, AZ at reasonable rates and avoid larger issues that might involve much more expensive repairs. Arrange for an appointment and schedule drain cleaning in your bathroom today.