Maintain Tankless Water Heaters in Apache Junction, AZ
Tankless Water Heaters in Apache Junction, AZ are efficient and can save money on energy costs. After tankless heater installation, maintenance issues can arise over time. Minerals may build up and erode the inside of the heating chamber. It is advisable to flush and the mineral deposits that have built up about once a year. The job can be tricky, and professional plumber will ensure a job is done correctly to maintain optimal performance.
A plumber will take several steps to keep the Tankless Water Heaters in Apache Junction, AZ working efficiently. First they will turn off power to the heater. This means either shutting off gas or shutting the main circuit breaker. Next they must shut off three water valves on the heater. This way, water will not flow into the heater and water will not come out during cleaning. Then they must take off the purge port valve caps slowly. Doing so will relieve any pressure inside and prevent excess fluids from coming out. Next they will attach hosing lines to each of the three valves. In some cases they may use a pump sump for this step.
Then they will be ready to clean the tankless heater. They will typically use undiluted white vinegar. It is preferable to use white vinegar as opposed to chemical solutions, which can pose a danger. Then they will perform the actual flushing procedure, which may take up to 45 minutes. After flushing, they will close the purge port valves and disconnect the hose lines. They will replace the valve caps onto the. Then they will re-start the Tankless Water Heaters in Apache Junction, AZ. They will turn on the tap and allow air to move through the pipe for a few minutes. Finally, the job will be finished, and the homeowner can enjoy using the water heater again.